The Etiwanda School District Induction Program is a California Department of Education (CDE) and Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) approved induction program accredited to clear preliminary Multiple Subject, Single Subject, and Education Specialist teaching credentials. As the teacher’s employing agency, each candidate has the opportunity to participate in a comprehensively developed rigorous program aligned to the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP) while assimilating to the Etiwanda culture, procedures, and practices. Our program provides individual support and professional development for our newest classroom teachers who hold a California Preliminary General Education (multiple or single subject) credential or Education Specialist (M/M, M/S) credential, enabling them to earn their clear credential.
ESD Induction Program
Carrie Sotro, Induction Program Leader

Introduction to Etiwanda’s Induction Program
Provide an environment where new teachers can learn, thrive, and succeed in improving teacher efficacy and ultimately enhance all student’s growth and learning.
Implement a continuous improvement cycle in order for all induction programs to maintain accountability and improve their quality, with a positive impact for all stakeholders (CCSESA 2016).
Comprehensively support all candidates in teacher development associated with socialization into the profession, assessment of effectiveness, and refining of their practice (Martin 2012).
Collaboratively develop and support a network of professional educators.
Approaches to Etiwanda’s Induction Program Quality:
Effective, quality mentor system of relational support that addresses timely emotional and professional needs guided by individual candidate goals aligned to the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (McDonald & Flint 2011).
Regular support and communication provided throughout all aspects of participation within the induction program.
Targeted professional development aligned to effective best practices in meeting the needs of mentors, candidates, and our diverse student population.
Common collaborative planning and decision-making with experienced mentors and veteran teachers.
Inquiry around new teacher effectiveness, student success, and professional workload responsibilities.
Engage candidates in a collaborative supportive school environment with an approach to regular communication and feedback with site administrators, ongoing guidance from administration and grade level team, explicit common collaboration and planning time with veteran teachers (Goldrick, 2012).
Why Induction and Mentoring
Teaching is complex work and the classroom is where new educators apply theory to practice. New teachers are expected to perform the same duties as veteran teachers from the moment they step into the classroom. They must take on a variety of roles such as educator, motivator, guide, counselor, coach and manager, to name a few. New teacher duties can add to their demanding schedule by adding extra-curricular activities, teach after school programs, and serve on committees. The enormity of it all can be overwhelming (Ingersoll 2012). Multiple levels of support are necessary in effectively retaining new teachers. According to Ingersoll & May, environments that promote a culture of continual learning value, trust, and empower new teachers to collaborate for the purpose for improvement (2011). The Etiwanda School District’s Induction Program serves to bridge the gap between initial preparation, our “Etiwanda culture”, and the realities of teaching through the establishment of networks of support, mentoring, critical dialogue, and growth.
Design of ESD’s Induction Program
The Etiwanda School District Induction Program is specifically designed to provide a highly individualized, job-embedded system of mentoring, support, and professional learning that begins in a candidate’s first years of holding a preliminary credential.
During the course of the two-year program, candidates engage in self-selected action research, setting and pursuing professional growth goals related to the California Standards for the Teaching Profession. Collaboration with a support mentor who provides educational coaching and mentoring to allow the candidate to traverse the expectations of teaching, develop a reflective approach to their profession and make evidence-based decisions that guide practice.
Induction Program Process and Pathway to a Clear Credential:
Induction Overview
Etiwanda School District
Etiwanda’s Induction Program is designed to be completed over the course of two years. At times, educators come to our district and program with experience that, at times, allows for their practice to be more advanced than that of a brand-new teacher. Therefore, the Early Completion Option allows qualified candidates to complete the program in one year.
Candidates who meet the following requirements may be considered for participation in the Etiwanda School District Induction Early Completion Option:
Currently holds a preliminary multiple subject/single subject teaching credential or Education Specialist credential.
Currently employed in a public school with Etiwanda School District.
Three years teaching experience as the teacher of record preferable but will be evaluated on a case by case basis.
Successful evaluations, including an evaluation within the last two years, with an overall rating of satisfactory or better.
A recommendation letter from the participant’s current administrator indicating why the participant would be a strong candidate for early completion.
The Induction Program Leader, Assistant Superintendent of Personnel, and Credential Analyst will evaluate each candidate on a case-by-case basis and make the final recommendation for Early Completion. Candidates will be notified of the next steps or denial of their request.
Mentoring and Induction Program Support
Lawful Employment Practices
Per the citations below, Etiwanda School District makes all personnel decisions without unlawful discrimination, including all decisions regarding the admission, retention, or graduation of students and decisions regarding the employment, retention or promotion of employees.