District Boundaries
Attendance Boundaries
The Board of Trustees, at their December 13, 2023, adopted attendance boundary changes for 2024-2025. The 2024-25 changes is through "connected attrition". As long as there is a sibling at a school site, new enrolling siblings may attend the school. Once there are no siblings at the school new enrolling students will have to attend the new school of attendance. The following is the current attendance map.
Chart of Intermediate School Attendance
Use this chart to find what elementary schools feed into each intermediate school
(Based on Current Elementary School)
All of our 17 Elementary School Sites filter to 4 Intermediate Schools
School of Attendance
Use this tool to find your child's school of attendance
Search tips: The only input required is the street name. Providing additional information (such as the street number) is highly recommended, as you will receive more specific results.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Although, street data will be accurate in most cases, there may be some discrepancies in address ranges. Please note that if you have moved into a new housing tract, the updated street information may not be contained on our maps or this directory