No School, Monday, September 9

Please visit your school site or the district office to review the Digital Literacy instructional materials. After reviewing the materials, kindly take a moment to provide your feedback. The material will be on display until September 20, 2024. Your opinion matters.

This week at West...

No School Monday, September 2, 2024

Bubble Run Update! Let's blow out go out of the water! Thank you WH Families!

Last night, West Heritage hosted an opportunity for parents to come and learn how they can help their student(s) at home. Thank you to those who were able to attend and learn about the ways school life and home life can work together for student success. Attached you will find the resources that were covered. If you have any questions about these resources, please feel free to reach out to me.
What is ST Math and how do I help my student when they are frustrated?
How to access online resources from home:
How to navigate Sora:
Supporting Student Success at Home:

Join us on Zoom to learn more about Footsteps 2 Brilliance Literacy Program that is free for families across San Bernardino County. 5:30 - 6:30 PM
Zoom Link https://bit.ly/4aBP42U

We're thrilled to announce our 19th Annual E3 Fun Run on Saturday, November 16, 2024! This year’s theme is all about school spirit. Get ready to represent by wearing your school's colors and racing with pride! Mark your calendars and join us for a day of fun, fitness, and community. Register now at bit.ly/EtiwandaFunRun24.

Barnes & Nobles presents GOOD NIGHT THOUGHTS with Max Greenfield. Saturday, September 7 at 3:00 PM. Barnes & Noble 11090 Foothill Blvd., Rancho Cucamonga, Registered Required: To register call (909)980-5586 or visit Barnes & Nobles.

Picture Day Reminder August 21

On August 29, we will be hosting a Parent Resource Night. Please see the attached flyer and register to attend. https://bit.ly/WHPARENTNIGHT

This week at West for the Week of August 12-16.

Welcome Back WH Eagles

Stay Connected

Welcome Back - First Day of School for TK-5th is Monday, August 5th!

We are looking forward to seeing you at West Heritage Elementary's Back to School Night on Friday, August 2. Visit the link to see the details about the event including the menu from Smooth Operator. We are excited to have Smooth Operator return after trying out their amazing menu last year at Open House. https://bit.ly/WHBTSN2024
If you haven't done so, please complete your Data Confirmation at parent.aeries.org so you know which classrooms to visit at Back to School Night. See you next Friday!

We look forward to your family joining us for Back to School Night, Friday, August 2, 2024, 5:15 PM - 6:50 PM

The Data Confirmation Window is currently open. To obtain your child's teacher assignment, parents need to complete the Data Confirmation process and review the Family-Student Handbook. Visit the district's website or go to https://aeries.etiwanda.org/parent.
Teacher assignments will be available using the link on the bottom of the district's homepage according to the following dates:
- July 31st at 4:00 PM for Preschool and TK families
- August 1st at 4:00 PM for Kindergarten - 8th grade families.

Battle of the Books lists for 2024-2025 are now available! View them on the Library Media Services website page: https://www.etiwanda.org/o/lms/page/battle-of-the-books.

We are so excited for Shrey from DCIS as he competes tonight in the final round of the Scripps National Spelling Bee! The finals will be televised today on the ION channel, and we invite everyone to tune in and cheer for Shrey on this prestigious stage. For more information on how to view the program and scheduling, visit https://spellingbee.com/watch.