
Mrs. Keegan cartoon

Mrs. Keegan


My name is Savannah Keegan and I am so excited to be your child’s teacher this year. This is my third year teaching 2nd grade with Etiwanda School District.

I have a 6 year old step-daughter, and twin babies with my amazing husband. Together we have a dog named Waffles and two cats, Emily and Blue.

My goal has always been to educate myself in the best ways possible in order to reflect my knowledge back to my students. I love taking all that I learn to make fun and creative ways of learning for students. I am extremely excited for this new year, and I take teaching to mean so much more to me than just a career. I look forward to being a positive role model in our classroom while helping to shape your child into who they will be in the future. I plan to be the change I want to see in the world. After all, your children are going to be our future!

We are going to have an awesome year!

back to school night


Library day is Friday! Please have your child bring their library books to school. (If there is no school on Friday, we will go to the library on THURSDAY!)

Every Monday and Tuesday is PE Day - Please wear appropriate shoes and pack a water bottle.

Every Monday is a minimum day with dismissal at 1:15.

Tuesday-Friday dismissal at 2:45

Important Dates

4/22: Earth Day (Recycled Project Due)

4/23: AR Word Count Celebration

4/25: Family Fitness Night @ 5 PM

4/29-5/3: Staff Appreciation Week

Upcoming Tests

Unit 4 Week 3 Wonders: 4/11-4/22

Week of 4/15 Math Lessons: 11.1-11.6

Spelling Test: 4/17

Vocabulary Quiz: 4/19

Grammar Quiz: 4/19

Math Test: Ch. 11 - 5/1


4.3 wonders

AR goal

If you want to access any of our district apps from home, please refer to the linked flyer on the right for instructions on how to do so! (Your child's username and password is the same one they use in class everyday. If they have forgotten, please ask me.)

home access to online resources


Classroom Wishlist

All supplies that your student needs to be successful will be provided.  However, if you are interested in donating community supplies to our classroom, it is greatly appreciated! 

Black Expo dry-erase markers
Water bottles 
White Cardstock
Ziploc Sandwich and Gallon Storage Bags
Ticonderoga pencils (sharpened)
Glue Sticks
Small prize box items