Image of colorful tree

Ms. Lemus

Hello, My name is Ms. Lemus and I have been an RSP teacher for 2nd through 4th grade here at Terra Vista for the past 7 years. This year I will be working with and supporting grades 3rd through 5th. I will also be co-teaching with Ms. Terrazas, in 3rd grade, 3 days a week and with Ms. Meath, in 5th grade, 2 days a week.

I have my teaching credential in both General Education and Special Education. I also have my Masters Degree in Special Education with a specialization in Autism. 

I believe all kids have the potential to learn. They may do it in their own style and at their own time, but they will get there.

I am looking forward to working with all of you this year.

"All kids need is a little help, a little hope and somebody who believes in them" Magic Johnson 

Click here to contact me!


Push-In service for those in RSP will begin the week of August 15th

Pull-Out services for those in RSP will begin the week of August 15th

Image of learning tree with various learning tools

Upcoming Events

September: Parent teacher conferences will begin the week of September 26th. Information will be sent

Image of words "Parent Teacher Conference"

Homework Assignments:

No homework is assigned through the RSP program. If you would like some resources to support learning at home, please see below or contact me via email.

In RSP for English and Language Arts, in the area of reading comprehension, we are currently working on:

  • 3rd-5th Reading Comprehension
    Clarifying and understanding academic vocabulary as it is used on various texts and tests, such as the CAASPP, Wonders, GoMath, and i-Ready.

    Understanding how Main Idea, and Key Details help in construction of Summary, Sequencing, and Problem and Solution.

    When RACER structure is necessary (answering specific questions) and when it is not required, such as for summary, opinion, sequencing etc.

    What are context clues and how to to utilize context clues to inform as well as define unknown words.
    Learning about and understanding what tools to use to help in reading comprehension and organization of thoughts. 

In RSP for English and Language Arts, in the area of Phonics, we are currently working on:

  • 3rd-5th Phonics
    Understanding various phonics structures and syllabication in order to deconstruct unfamiliar words as well as spelling. (Learning that with each talking vowel or vowel team, that creates on syllable. ie. Each syllable has one talking vowel, and that by utilizing syllabication we can break words down into parts in order to help us decipher while reading and spelling.) 

    Open and closed vowels as they relate to syllabication and how the helps in deciphering words within reading. 

    As well as: Vowel teams / R-controlled vowels / Diphthongs and Digraphs.

  • Phonics Practice Slides

In RSP for English and Language Arts, in the area of Writing, we are currently working on:

  • 3rd-5th Writing: 
    Narrative writing, Opinion writing, and informative writing with the use of various writing webs and learning what key details help in supporting our opinion or information. 

Resources and Links to Resources for ELA:

  • Here are some great ideas for reading practice and reading comprehension-Reading Choice Board

  • RACER Structure: (Used for answering questions about their read)

  • Here you will find a link for a PowerPoint using a RACER structure for informational text. Additionally, in this PowerPoint there is informational text (at various levels) to read and work on (along with a teacher example).

  • Link to website with free informational text on bats.

  • Summary and Sequence:
    The following are ideas for organizations to write a summary or sequence of events:

  • Here you will find a link for Summary Lesson  an Informational Summary Lesson. In this link there is a PDF PowerPoint with an informational text (at various levels) to read and work on creating a  summary, (along with a teacher example). 


Summary graphic organizer


RACER Strategy

Problem / Solution

Problem-solution graphic organizer


  • In Mathematics we are working on foundational skills such as:

    • Place Value

    • Rounding

    • Multiplication

  • We are also working on Word Problem strategies.

    • please see image below.

Image of CUBES strategy for math

Math Resources

  • Here are some great Math Fluency games to help keep students fluent on addition, subtraction, and multiplication. 

  • Here is a great link for virtual math manipulatives to help your students with their math in all areas. 

Math Banner

Behavior Resources

  • Here is a daily behavior/reward schedule that you can use as a template to help with structure within your home that is similar to ones that we utilize within the classroom for some of our students with a need for more structure within their day.