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Ms. Stevens

Welcome to First Grade!

This is going to be a great Adventure!

This year, marks the 24th year I have been working in the Etiwanda School District. I started my career here as a Substitute Teacher and had the opportunity to help write individual curriculum for SDC. I then started as a General Education teacher in Second Grade. I moved to Kindergarten, where I taught for 5 years. Next, I taught First Grade for 2 years and up until last year, I was in Fourth Grade.

My goals have always been to make a difference in the world, and to leave the world a better place. I strive for this every day and encourage my students to do the same. I encourage my class to work as a community, or family. I wish them to build each other up, and to help each other when they are down. Academics are important, but so is the content of their character.

This year I hope to help your students with the transition from Kindergarten, to First Grade! This could be the first time your student will be on the larger playground and I know that along with the excitement, there will be some hesitation. I want you all to know that with the routines we will have in place, as well as the FANTASTIC staff, we ill all be successful.

Communication is the KEY! If you should have any questions, or concerns, please contact me! You can email me at, or contact me via ROOMS. This is our new communication system.

With that said, let us start our ADVENTURE!


Please click on the link to fill out information regarding your student. Thank you!

Back to School Night is Tuesday, August 8th. We will have two sessions: 5:30-6:00 and 6:00-6:30. Click here if you were unable to make it to the BTS Night.

Minimum day EVERY Monday- dismissal is at 1:15. We will be walking ALL 1st graders through the gates between the office and the kindergarten playground. If you have an older sibling, have them meet outside the gate near the office.

Every Friday is Spirt Day! Where your Solorio Spirit gear!

Upcoming Events

January Events

1/15- No school MLK jr day

1/22- 100 Days of School!

1/26- Non student day

2/14- Show your Love of school and wear PINK for Valentines Day

2/16 and 2/19- No school

2/23- Juice it up

2/26-3/1- Read Across America

2/28- Spring Pictures


Homework Assignments

Homework Link:

Below is the link for the At-Home Writing Journals. They are sent home on Monday, and due on Thursday.

We are also starting Math homework. Students were sent home the math Standards Practice book at the beginning of the year. Each Week I will assign the pages that we will be covering in that week. Those pages need to be completed and turned in on Friday. I do not have extra Practice books, but you can have your student log on to clever at home. They would then log into ThinkCentral, and go to My Library. In that sections you will find "Math Standards Practice book". You can print them out, or have your student show their work and write their answers on a separate piece of paper.

PE is Mondays from 8:30-9:20 and Wednesdays from 12:30-1:20. Be sure to dress appropriately and bring a water bottle.

Library is on Tuesday.

HFW Practice (High Frequency Words)

Important Curriculum Information

Oct 12, 2023

Dear  Families,

This year our class has the opportunity to explore a new foundational skill curriculum. Our pilot teachers will have an opportunity to engage in lessons and activities from the curriculum and materials provided by the publisher. 

Students, teachers and families will have the opportunity to investigate the print, digital and hands-on resources provided within the programs. At the end of the process, teachers and families will have an opportunity to provide feedback via an anonymous survey. This survey data will be used in the selection of the new foundational skill program for the 2024-2025 school year.

The first program our class will pilot is Bridge to reading published by Heggerty. We will pilot this program from September 12th-January 19th. For a more detailed description of both the program’s content and approach please use this link:

If you would like to preview the materials being piloted in the classroom, or have questions about the pilot process please contact me or make an appointment with the ESD Professional Development Providers Jill Inciong, Sonja Marlisa or Cari Stanley. They can be contacted at (909)- 803-3145.  

We look forward to engaging our students in this great opportunity and taking part in making an important decision for our district. 


Ms. Stevens and Mr. Vasquez

Foundational Skills Pilot Team

Monthly Newsletter

You can access our Monthly Newsletter here: