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Mrs. Rosener

Teacher biography goes in that space.


Announcement 1

Announcement 2

Upcoming Events

Event 1

Event 2

Homework Assignments

Other Resources

Virtual Learning

The Etiwanda School District provides live interactive virtual instruction through the Virtual Learning Model. Please note that during virtual sessions there is no expectation of privacy. Students and anything in their background will be in view of the class.

You might want to have the Second Grade Electronic Sign On page handy to help you get onto each site. It was emailed to everyone, please email us if you need it.

To access Google Classroom:
1. Go to
2. Click on the top right hand corner to sign in. Use the student's login information found on a sticker found in their green homework folder. Please email us if you need it again.
3. Click on the 9 small squares in the top (normally right) corner.  I've told the students to click on the waffle. Click on Google classroom (green chalkboard square with yellow border).

You will be using ConnectEd, ThinkCentral, RAZ, iReady, and Scholastic. To access all of those websites (except Scholastic) go to and you will be on the homescreen that the students are used to using in class. In order for these to work your child must be logged in to Google. 

Should you have any password questions please

I will be available to answer questions throughout the day. Please send me an email atgennifer_mcnabb@etiwanda.orgor message through Remind and I will back to you as quickly as possible.