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Ms. Morrison


We are going to have a great year!

Our Zoom link was sent out on Remind and is posted in our Google Classroom. Class starts at 8:15. See you there!


Parent Teacher Conferences: September 26-30

Please use the attached link for our ZOOM meetings. Can't wait to meet everyone!

Upcoming Events

Back to School Night: Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Where: Solorio in room F4

Time: Session 1: A - L (5:45-6:15)

Session 2: M - Z (6:30-7:00)

Event 2

Homework Assignments

Virtual Learning

Hello Parents and Students!!

To find your child's detailed Virtual Learning assignments for the day please log onto your Google Classroom account. To view general Virtual Learning or classroom information click on Important Documents on the left of this page and then clink on the link that interests you.

To access your Google Classroom:

Go to

Click on the top right hand corner to sign in. Use your child’s login information that was provided.

Click on the nine small squares in the top right hand corner and click on the google classroom icon (green square with a yellow border).

You will be using ConnectEd, ThinkCentral, RAZ, and iReady. To get on any of these websites go to and you will be on the home screen titled "Useful Links.". In order for these to work, your child must be logged on. Be sure to bookmark it for easy access.

The Etiwanda School District provides virtual classroom lessons through the virtual learning plan. Please note that during virtual sessions there is no expectation of privacy, students and anything in their background will be in view of the class. During our virtual lesson time your child's camera must be on.

I am available to answer questions. Please send an email or a message through Remind and I will get back with you as quickly as possible. I am excited about our year together. We will have some fun!