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Mindy Deal

Hello and welcome to 8th Grade! My name is Mrs. Deal. This is my 8th year teaching at HIS. I have a BA in History and an MA in Education. My goal for my 8th-grade students is to encompass a wide range of academic, personal, and social development objectives. My students 8th-grade year is a crucial period of growth and I plan to prepare all my students their next great endeavor...high school! Hope you all are ready for the challenge! I'm excited for a great 23/24 school year!


Upcoming Events

Homework Assignments

Genius Hour Exploratory Course

Genius hour is an exploratory course where students can use their passions and creativity to design a research assignment that they have an interest in. This elective is a way for students to be creative and show their individual talents through research. Students will use technology and will be taught how to properly research topics of their choice. Students will have access and will learn how to build a website and/or utilize google drive resources to present their research to the class in the final week of the exploratory course. This allows students more experience in the realm of research, technology, speaking, and listening skills.

Weekly Plans:

Week 1:

Background about Genius Hour/Topic and a guided question will be approved by the teacher.

Week 2:

Mind mapping to find our passions and research begins based on teacher approved passion projects.

Week 3:

Research will continue with each week having a check-in with teacher to monitor progress on passion projects and to help support student research.

Week 4:

Research continues and Websites/PowerPoints are assigned. Teacher will continue to check-in with students to monitor progress and to help support student research.

Week 5:

Finalizing research, editing, final touch-ups on Website and PowerPoints before presentations the following week.

Week 6:

Presentations begin. All students will be required to fill out an evaluation for each presentation.

Universal Access

Our primary focus will be to reinforce what is being taught in Language Arts and provide English Language Development instruction.
Students will accomplish this by engaging in literature circles and working collaboratively to dive into various novels.