Welcome to Mrs. Oceguera's Class!


Mrs. Oceguera

I am so excited to be your child's teacher for the 2020-21 school year! Although we are beginning this year virtually, it is my goal to make our class time as interactive and as fun as possible so that your child can get "hooked" on learning!  We will be making new friends, learning our letters and sounds and how letters make words and words make sentences!  We will be making connections to literature during story time and learn about fun reading strategies like "Lips The Fish".  We will "dive" into math and explore numbers and how to represent them in different ways.  We will also become scientists and do some fun science experiments!  We will "splash" into social studies and learn that  
"we may all be different, but in this class we swim together!" 

It is going to be a "fin"tastic year so let's "dive" in and start exploring! 


For updates and important information regarding our Virtual Learning plan, please check our Google Classroom often.   

Remind messages are sent out daily to give an overview of the next day lesson and activities.  Please email me or send a Remind message for any questions, comments or concerns you may have.  

Upcoming Events

Event 1

Event 2

Homework Assignments

Each week will be labeled  and organized in its own folder so that you can easily help your child be prepared for the lessons of the day. Also included in each week's folder will be the lesson plans which you can post in your child's learning area and use as a check-off list of the assignments completed.  Please refer to our Google Classroom for updates on our Weekly Lesson Plans.

In advance, I would like to thank you for your patience in this process!  It is my goal to be as organized as possible in order to help you help your child! Your feedback is always welcome as we work together to make this year a positive learning experience for all!

Other Resources

Additional Information if Needed