
Lizeth Piskulich

Welcome to Third Grade

Hello! Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year! My name is Lizeth Piskulich and I am very happy to have your child in my class this year. I want to assure you that there will be a smooth transition into classroom and that your child will have the best educational experience.
I would like to begin by sharing a bit about myself. I graduated from the University of California Riverside with a degree in Political Science and obtained my California Teaching Credential and Masters in Public Administration at California State University San Bernardino. I have over 20 years of teaching experience in grades kindergarten through sixth grade. In addition, I have taught combination classes as well as a Dual Immersion class.  
I have been happily married for the past 24 years, I have two sons one is a freshman at Duke University and the other a junior at Johns Hopkins University. I have a dog named Dolce who is just the sweetest. I enjoy traveling , attending concerts, and spending time with my family. I absolutely love teaching and I look forward to teaching your child.

Please feel free to contact me: 

Upcoming Events

8/7- First day of School

9/4 No School - Labor Day

9/6-Fall Picture Day

9/11 No School - Non-Student-Day/Professional Learning

9/15- Character Awards, AR Cut off

9/18- Disaster Drill, Chorus begins

9/22- AR Event-Ice Cream Truck, Progress Reports sent home

9/25-9/29 Parent Conferences/ Scholastic Book Fair

10/ 9 No School - Student Recess

10/10 3rd Grade Fieldtrip

10/27 -End of 1st Trimester

11/10 No School - Veterans Day

11/20-11/24 No School - Thanksgiving Break

12/15 AR cut off

12/22-1/7 No School - Winter Break (Christmas Break)

1/11/24 Third Grade Fieldtrip

1/15/24 No School-MLK Day


Please join Rooms to receive information on upcoming events.

*PE will be every Tuesday and Thursday.  Students should wear tennis shoes and bring a water bottle.

**Homework is assigned daily. Students are responsible for writing assignments in their Binder Reminder.

*** Mondays is library day. Please bring your library books to class.

Classroom Information