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Kevin Yasuda

Hi, this classroom website is created for the students in Mr. Yasuda's class 5th Grade at CPL for the 2023-24 school year. All weekly infomation will be updated at the beginning of each week. Things I love to do are fishing, biking, hiking, and traveling. My family includes my wife, 3 sons that are grown now, and 2 grandkids. Most of my summer travels were to San Francisco, where my Gkids live, and Washington state where my 2 sons live. We also had a lot of fun visiting Niagara Falls in Canada.



Announcements/Reminders (Parents)

SBAC testing maybe all week

Student of the Month assembly Fri 2:00

Upcoming Events (Students)

Full Band Thurs only

Homework Assignments

Google classroom

Contact Mr Yasuda

ESD Rooms app

or email