Quoc Nguyen

I have been teaching since 2013. I am excited and proud to be a part of Caryn Elementary's staff, family, and community. Prior to this, I was also an instructional aide in a fourth grade setting and worked in a special education moderate/severe setting. I received my Bachelor's Degree in History with a minor in Education at UCLA. I obtained my multiple subjects credential at Cal-State Los Angeles and I also have a mild to moderate credential from Cal-State San Bernardino.

I look forward to an exciting year of learning and fun.

Welcome to my classroom and website. I'm very excited about this school year!! We have a lot of great things planned and I know that together we can make this a great year for your student.

Please feel free to contact me in any of the following ways and I will respond as quickly as possible:

* send a note with your child in their homework folder (please do not send in their Wednesday folder, since I do not check these)

* call the office and leave a message (909) 941-9551

Thank you!

Mr. Nguyen


Announcement 1

Announcement 2

Upcoming Events

Please check the Wednesday Folders for information on any upcoming events.  

Event 2

Homework Assignments

Check your student's purple folder for homework each day. Please place completed homework in their folder on the "Return to School" side.

Weekly Homework: Spelling Practice Page, Fluency, and Reading Log homework pages will be sent home each Monday and are due back each Friday.

Daily Homework: Math sheets will be sent home daily and are due back the following morning.

Lost/Misplaced Homework: Replacement language arts pages can be printed from the Wonders webpage. Replacement math pages can be printed from the Think Central webpage.

Please click "Links" tab on the left to log into the McGraw Hill and Think Central website to download lost homework.

Unfortunately, the fluency homework pages cannot be printed from home, you will need to get replacements from me.

Home Reading Log Monday-Thursday.docx

Google Classroom

Policies and Procedures

Here are our classroom rules and policies to provide a safe and positive learning environment:

Classroom Rules

1. Be responsible for your own learning - Students will be responsible for all class assignments (missing or absent)

2. Respect others - This also includes respecting people's property

3. Follow Directions

4. Be kind and patient - Treat others how you want to be treated/no 'negative' talk.

5. Work hard and work quietly - Do not disturb those who are working

Classroom Policies


- Behavior Chart

- Stamps on homework folder

- Good notes home

- Praise from teacher

- Raffle tickets for drawing every Friday

- Class marble jar for whole class reward


- 1-2 breaking rules = verbal warning

- 3 breaking rules=Move number on behavior chart to yellow

- 4 breaking rules=Move number on Behavior Chart to Orange (loss of recess)

- 5 breaking rules=Move number on Behavior Chart to Red

May go to Principal's office, note home.

* other ways to lose a stamp: missing homework or library books, not returning the Wednesday folder, citation on playground.

Restroom Policy

- Students are encouraged to use the restroom before school, during recess, and during lunch

- Students will move their clip if they ask to go right after recess or lunch

Water Bottles

I do allow water bottles in the classroom, especially during these hot months. Water only.


Students are encouraged to bring a healthy snack to eat during morning recess.

Weekly Homework Newsletters

Oral Reports

Here are the cover sheets for all the oral reports. Each document will give details to what students will need to do.

Accelerated Reader (AR)

Students are given time each day to take AR tests in the classroom.

Parents can log into Renaissance Place from home to check students AR points, however, students cannot take tests from home.

You may send a sticky note to school with the title of a book when they are ready to take an AR test. This will not only remind them to take the test, but will also help them when typing in the title.

Students earn points for each test they pass with 60% or better, however, the goal is to pass AR tests with 85% or better. In second grade, AR is not part of students' grades.

Tags are earned when students reach the following goals for 2nd grade:

Tag 1 = 5 points

Tag 2 = 10 points

Tag 3 = 15 points

Tag 4 = 25 points

Tag 5 = 35 points

Tag 6 = 45 points

Tag 7 = 60 points

Tag 8 = 75 points (I also give students a certificate and prizes for 100 and 150 points.)

To receive all 8 tags, students should earn 2-3 points each week. Since most second grade books are .5 pts., this means they'll need to take (and pass) about 5 AR tests each week to earn 75 points during the school year. (Note: some chapter books are worth more than .5 points.)

Helpful Links

All helpful links can be access through your child's Clever log in. Your child must know their username and password.

Scholastic Orders

Online Ordering Information

Web address: scholastic.com/bookclubs

Class Activation Code: N8XT6

Dear Parent,

Now it's easier than ever to find the perfect books for your child -- shop our NEW online Book Clubs Web site. Choose from a much-wider selection of books than in the printed flyer. Plus, you can send your orders directly to me online and use your credit card to pay.

Best of all, we earn a FREE book for the classroom library every time a parent places an order online.*

Being a new teacher, new books are in need. These books will benefit all the students in the classroom.

It's so simple! Here's how it works:

SIGN UP at www.scholastic.com/bookclubs. On the parent page, click the "Register" button in the "First Time Here?" section. Register for your own user name and password. When prompted, enter the one-time Class Activation Code shown above. This unique code ensures that your order is sent to me.

SELECT the books you'd like to order -- choose from thousands of titles -- many more than in our monthly flyers.

SEND your order to me online by the due date and your child's books will be delivered directly to my classroom.

Ordering online is fast, easy, and secure.

Thank you!

*Excludes eBooks.

Access to Wonders Grade

Please click on the link below for details on how to access your child's vocabulary test grades off the Wonder's website.

Wonders Grades.pdf

Supply List

Please remember to bring these items the first week of school:

2 Boxes of 16-24 crayons

1 Small Pencil Box (approx. 9"x5")

1 container of baby wipes (alcohol free)

8 glue sticks

1 pair of Fiskar scissors

2 70-100 sheet spiral notebooks (wide-ruled)

4 Pink Pearl Erasers

4 fine point Expo or Bic dry erase markers (black only)

3 red pens (no markers)

3 Highlighters (green, yellow, and pink)

3 boxes tissues

Wish List

Donations throughout the year are greatly appreciated. If you are able to donate some suggestions are listed below.

Thin black dry-erase markers

Extra Red Pens

Extra Glue Sticks

Extra Baby Wipes

Items for our Treasure Box

Extra Crayon Boxes

Pink Pearl Erasers

Math Flashcards (Addition, Subtraction, and Multiplication)


This page will answer questions commonly asked by students and parents.

Can I bring birthday treats for my child?

Unfortunately, no. Our school is trying to help our students make healthy choices. Cutting down on treats is one way to do that. Joining the walking program before school each day is another great way to encourage a healthy lifestyle!

What if we lose the homework packet?

Click on the 'Homework' tab and scroll down to find the instructions for how to print out extra homework pages, using the 'Documents' tab. Please ask your teacher for any missing pages as soon as possible.